i-soc@i-soc.org.ua +380 (44) 255-71-07

Department of Social Expertise

+380 (44) 255-75-41; 255-76-79
305, 316
Department of Social Expertise
The Department of Social Expertise (former Department of Social Programs and Projects Methodology, up to June 1996) was established in November 1991. As of 2022, the department consists of 8 scientists, including a 1 Doctor of Sciences and 2 Candidates of Sciences.

Scientific staff of the department:

Primary scientific interests and research topics:

The main research directions are the following: to develop a concept of social indicator system; to develop a concept of independent expert board as an institution of civil society; concept approaches to social policy development in Ukraine; social after-effects of the Chernobyl accident. Since the Institute of Sociology of the NAS of Ukraine was established, the Department of Social Expertise has studied: methodology and methods of social expertise, monitoring on social and psychological after-effects of the Chernobyl accident; levels of humanitarian development; social policy, social defense, levels of poverty; systems of social indicators.