i-soc@i-soc.org.ua +380 (44) 255-71-07

Department of Social Structures

+380 (44) 255-60-65
Department of Social Structures

The Department is a direct descendant of the Sociology Department (in 1979-90 known as Department of Social Studies of Labor) of the UkSSR AS Institute of Philosophy led by Vilen Pylypovych Chornovolenko. During 1980s, the Department's primary reserach topics were: dynamics of prestige of professions and social professional orientations of the youth, problems of inter-generational labor mobility, families and reproduction of labor structure, social problems of reproduction of scientific cadre, social transitions in the city.

The Department exists since the establishment of the NASU Institute of Sociology. In 1992-2023, the Department was led by Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Professor S.O. Makeiev. Since 2024, the Department is led by Doctor of Sciences in Sociology O.V. Simonchuk.

Scientific staff of the department:

Primary scientific interests and research topics:

Social status stratification under conditions of establishment of market economy, modern trends of social mobility in Ukrainian society, status and professional identities, problems of the population migration.