Department of Economic Sociology
- Phone:
- +380 (44) 255-75-16
- Office:
- 302, 307, 308

Scientific staff of the department:
- Smakota Viktoriya Vitaliivna – Head of the Department
- Arseienko Anatoliy Grigorovich – Lead Research Fellow
- Burov Igor Volodymyrovych – Senior Research Fellow
- Etenko Maksym Pavlovych – Head of Department of PhD and Doctoral Studies
- Ivanenko Olena Oleksandrivna – Senior Research Fellow
- Maistruk Natalia Olegivna – Research Fellow
- Mukhaeva Alla Petrivna – Junior Research Fellow
- Nikolaenko Volodimir Leonidovych – Senior Research Fellow
- Sokolovskyy Ivan Viktorovych – Junior Research Fellow
- Rakhmanov Oleksandr Adolfovych – Lead Research Fellow
- Tolstykh Nataliya Viktorivna – Senior Research Fellow
- Parkhomenko Svitlana Ivanivna – Junior Research Fellow
Primary scientific interests and research topics:
Research programs:
Digitalization of the economic life of Ukrainian society: state, social consequences and prospects (II quarter 2023 – I quarter 2026)
Head – Candidate of Social Sciences Smakota V. V.
Social structures of non-standard employment in modern Ukrainian society (II quarter 2020 – I quarter 2023)
Head – Doctor of Social Sciences Petrushina T. O. / Candidate of Social Sciences Smakota V. V.
According to the results of the analysis of the situation of the modern labor market, it was revealed that non-standard work in various types and forms acquires a dominant place in the structure of world and Ukrainian employment; at the same time, the destruction of traditional, standard forms has taken place; they transform into non-standard varieties and forms of labor activity. The main catalyst for these processes was the rapid development of information and communication technologies and digital platforms
Non-standard employment opens up new opportunities for participation in economic, labor and social life. The level of education of the Ukrainian population makes it possible for Ukrainian IT specialists to develop employment on digital platforms and compete internationally. Digital technologies themselves expand opportunities for employment, education and self-development, which made it possible to maintain or change the work of a significant part of the Ukrainian population during the COVID-19 pandemic and large-scale war. Workers engaged in professions in this field are mostly satisfied with their work, since it allows them to have employment and livelihood in extreme conditions.
However, non-standard employment acquires features of vulnerability due to a decrease in the social protection of employees: it is often characterized by a high degree of uncertainty due to the short-time contracts and the lack of social guarantees. The risks of job loss, forced unemployment, retraining and rights protection at the workplace in case of non-standard employment fall directly to the employees themselves
Social changes in Ukrainian society in the context of economic globalization (II quarter 2017 – I quarter 2020)
Head – Doctor of Social Sciences Petrushina T. A.
According to the results of the economic development of recent years, it is obvious that Ukraine has not been able to integrate into the international production system. Lagging behind most developed countries in terms of labor productivity is due to the focus on the raw material model of economic development (the country's competitiveness in the foreign market is based mostly on the production of raw materials and processed products, which are characterized by low capital productivity and do not require a high level of skills from the workforce), which causes a drop in GDP and large-scale deindustrialization (and as a result – the transformation of the country into a raw material appendage of the world economy). In general, this state of affairs excludes economic development and, with it, human development.
The adverse effects of globalization have exceeded positive expectations, affecting both the economic and social spheres of society. The significant spread of the phenomenon of the "working poor", the cumulative deterioration of job security and the intensification of labor migration processes directly affected the qualification potential of the population, strengthening negative assessments of the sphere of work. Thus, it is difficult for every second respondent to find a job according to qualification, and difficulties in finding employment prevail even in looking for any job. Due to the lack of jobs at the place of residence and decent wages, internal and international labor migration is spreading, which is becoming a common phenomenon in the economic life of Ukrainian society: among those who work, one in five has a job in another locality of Ukraine. An increase in the number of migrant workers reduces to a certain extent the tension in the domestic labor market, improves the financial condition of Ukrainian households receiving money transfers from relatives working abroad, promotes the growth of people's economic culture through their involvement in the economic life of more developed countries, and stimulates the development of international cooperation. Despite these and other positive consequences, the spread of international labor migration as an objective manifestation of EG, negatives prevail in our society in the comparative context of the "pros" and "cons" of Ukrainian migrant workers, both in short and long-term dimensions. The domestic economy and business are experiencing a shortage of highly qualified workers and specialists in a number of specialties. The quality of available labor resources is declining, the social potential of economic development is weakening, and the growth of migration sentiment, especially among young people, poses a serious threat to the viability of the country.
The status, problems and prospects of the working class in the system of socio-economic relations of Ukrainian society (II quarter 2014 – I quarter 2017)
Head – Candidate of Social Sciences Arseenko A. G.
The influence of neoliberal globalization on the evolution of labor relations in the modern world, including Ukraine, is revealed. The myth of the "disappearance" of the working class has been refuted, the destructive nature of economic reforms, which led to the deindustrialization and primitivization of the economy, the deprivation of working people (in particular, the deterioration of the socio-economic situation of workers and the growth of inequality) has been established. The changes in the sphere of labor activity in Ukraine due to the alienation and exploitation of labor, the displacement of the country to the sidelines of global development are revealed. The world experience of collective bargaining regulation of labor is summarized, recommendations to trade unions of Ukraine in this context are developed. The article analyzes the state of class consciousness and the prospects of the Ukrainian working class in mobilizing efforts to defend the interests and democratic rights of workers.
The role of science in the modernization of Ukrainian society (II quarter 2014 – IV quarter 2016)
Head – Doctor of Social Sciences Petrushina T. A.
Monitoring of public opinion has revealed that against the background of the actual disinterest of the Ukrainian state and business in scientific research, there is a public demand in the country for the development of domestic science. The trust of Ukrainian citizens in domestic scientists remains the highest among the main social institutions. The survey of experts allowed us to obtain competent assessments of the general state of science in modern Ukraine and substantial proposals on the essence, principles, directions and conditions for effective reform of the scientific sphere. The vast majority of experts predict further deterioration in the development of Ukrainian science. Noting the key role of science in the modernization of society, experts stressed that science is capable of fulfilling it only in conditions of normal financing and a radical change in attitude on the part of the current government.
Social potential of innovative development of the economy of Ukraine (II quarter 2011 – I quarter 2014)
Head – Doctor of Social Sciences Petrushina T. A.
The structural components of the social potential of the innovative development of the economy are highlighted – socio-political, socio-economic, institutional, socio-cultural, scientific and educational subpotentials; their level and importance in the innovative development of the domestic economy are assessed. The main social barriers that exclude the innovative development of the economy in Ukraine are fixed: the system of family-clan oligarchic capitalism, the socio-political system, socio-economic differentiation of the population, corruption, monopolization and shadowing of the economy, low standard of living of the population.
The quality of life of the population of Ukraine in the conditions of differentiation of the socio-economic space (II quarter 2008 – I quarter 2011)
Head – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Suimenko E. I.
The concept of "standard of living" is important in the economic and sociological approach to the quality of life. The quality of life can be considered as a social (at the level of society) and socio-psychological (at the level of an individual) assessment of the standard of living, as an indicator of social, personal comfort of life activity. Since the quality of life is an integral characteristic of the entire multifaceted human activity, the financial situation and quality of working life of Ukrainian citizens, the state of public health, the ecological environment, the spiritual life of society and other components are analyzed. For most people, according to opinion polls, over the years of market reforms, despite the increasing adaptation of the population to capitalist relations, life in our country is deteriorating. The overall level of human consumption in modern Ukraine is very low, and in important areas the needs of a significant part (from one third to one half) of the population are not being satisfied.
The state and prospects of Ukraine's entry into the global socio-economic space (II quarter 2006 – I quarter 2008)
Head – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Suimenko E. I.
Noticeable differences in the orientations of Ukrainian citizens towards joining the EU, NATO and the CES in favor of the latter geopolitical bloc have been revealed, and significant uncertainty has been recorded in the attitude of the population towards the prospects of Ukraine's entry into the EU.
The economic culture of Ukrainian society (II quarter 2003 – I quarter 2006)
Head – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Suimenko E. I.
The conclusion is made about the polymorphic nature of economic culture, which manifests itself in its complex internal structure, multifactorial sociogenesis, various forms of manifestation and the multiplicity of functions performed. Based on the data of the expert survey, the value-normative content of economic culture, its innovative components and development prospects are considered. The economic culture of the main subjects of economic activity is analyzed: heads of enterprises and public authorities, entrepreneurs and employees. The level of economic culture of the population as a whole is estimated to be below average. Individualism of pragmatic motivation and purposefulness prevails today over the social foundations of human life (including socio-cultural attitudes towards the equivalence of mutual exchange) in modern Ukraine.
The study of the types of socio-economic behavior of the working population in Ukraine (II quarter 1999 – I quarter 2003)
Head – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Suimenko E. I.
The dynamics of various behavioral formations has been studied; significant changes in the structure of socio-economic behavior, in particular, entrepreneurial and adaptive types over the period 1998-2003, have been recorded; priorities of behavioral strategies of different age groups of the population in Ukraine have been identified
Socio-economic behavior of subjects of industrial activity at manufacturing enterprises (II quarter 1997 – I quarter 1999)
Head – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Suimenko E. I.
The typologization of socio-economic behavior (SEB) of industrial workers has been carried out; the main trends in the development of SEB of hired workers, owners, managers, entrepreneurs have been identified.
Socio-economic behavior of subjects of industrial activity at manufacturing enterprises (II quarter 1994 – I quarter 1997)
Head – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Suimenko E. I.
The discrepancy between the "standard" model of privatization and the possibilities and directions of socio-institutional and socio-personal mechanisms of its implementation was revealed; an alternative option for privatization in Ukraine was considered.
Socio-economic conditions and motivation of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine (II quarter 1992 – I quarter 1994)
Head – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Vorona V. M.
It is concluded that the fundamental qualities of entrepreneurs as social catalysts of the economy – innovation and risk – have been shifted to the periphery of the motivational structure of their activities, and the dominant motive of self-actualization only camouflages the pursuit of profit.
Scientific works of the department:
- Трансформація зайнятості і майбутнє праці у ХХІ ст.: глобальний і національний соціологічні виміри: колективна монографія / А. Арсеєнко, В. Буткалюк, О. Іваненко та інш.; за ред. к.соц.н. В. Смакоти. — Київ: Інститут соціології НАН України, 2023. — C. 181.
- Arseienko А. and Butkaliuk V. The social consequences of the global expansion of COVID-19 pandemic // World Review of Political Economy. — Vol. 3. — 2023. — P. 443–477.
- Butkaliuk Vitalina Global and Regional Dimensions of Socio-economic Outcomes of the COVID-19 Pandemic // Science of Europe. — 102. — 2022. — P. 46-54.
- Butkaliuk Vitalina Escalation of Inequality Resulting from the Neoliberal Reforms in Ukraine // Book of Abstracts accepted for presentation at the IV ISA Forum of Sociology Porto Alegre, Brazil, February 23-27, 2021. — International Sociological Association, 2021. — P. 106-107.
- Буткалюк В. Ризики поглиблення соціально-економічної нерівності в сучасній Україні // Скокова, Л. (ред.) Ризики в сучасному нестабільному суспільстві: соціальні і культурні виміри. — Київ: Інститут соціології НАН України, 2021. — C. 99-112.
- Butkaliuk Vitalina The problems of socio-economic inequality and social justice in the modern Ukraine // Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology. — 11 (2). — 2020. — P. 19-28.
- Ворона В. Соціологічні нариси політеконома / В. Ворона. — Київ: Інститут соціології НАН України, 2020. — 400 c.
- Петрушина Т., Арсеєнко А., Буткалюк В. Куди йде Україна у ХХІ сторіччі? Соціальні зміни в українському суспільстві за умов економічної ґлобалізації: соціологічний вимір. Наукова доповідь. — Київ: Інститут соціології НАН України, 2020. — 106 c.
- Смакота В. Український освітній потенціал у світі глобальних перетворень. Наукова доповідь. — Київ: Інститут соціології НАН України, 2020. — 38 c.
- Рабочий класс современной Украины / Под ред. А.Г. Арсеенко. — Киев: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 2017. — 318 c.
- Социальный потенциал инновационного развития экономики: украинские реалии / Под ред. Акад. НАН Украины В. М. Вороны, д-ра социол. наук Т. О. Петрушиной. — Киев: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 2014. — 328 c.
- Арсеенко А.Г., Ещенко П.С. Куда движется глобальная экономика в XXI веке? / П.С. Ещенко, А.Г. Арсеенко. — К.: Знання України, 2012. — 479 c.
- Смакота В.В. Экономика — явление духовное?! / В. Смакота. — К.: НВП «Видавництво «Наукова думка» НАН України», 2012. — 201 c.
- Качество жизни населения Украины в зеркале социологии / Под общей ред. академика НАН Украины В.М. Вороны, докт. филос. наук, проф. Е.И. Суименко. — К.: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 2012. — 211 c.
- Арсеенко А.Г., Малюк А.Н., Толстых Н.В. Вызовы глобализации и Украина. — К.: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 2011. — 517 c.
- Суїменко Є.І. Соціальна інженерія / Є.І. Суїменко. — К.: Вища школа соціології, 2011. — 224 c.
- Петрушина Т.О. Социально-экономическое поведение населения Украины в условиях институциональных перемен / Т.О. Петрушина. — К.: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 2008. — 544 c.
- Экономическая культура населения Украины / Под ред. академика НАН Украины В.М. Вороны, д-ра филос. наук, профессора Е.И. Суименко. — К.: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 2008. — 316 c.
- Суименко Е.И. Капитализм в нашем доме. Взгляд сквозь призму теории и социальной эмпирии. — К.: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 2007. — 512 c.
- Суименко Е.И., Ефременко Т.О. Homo economicus современной Украины. Поведенческий аспект. — К.: Ін-тут социологии, 2004. — 294 c.
- Промышленное предприятие и его люди: проблемы социально-экономического поведения / Под ред. В. Вороны, Е. Суименко. — К.: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 2001. — 351 c.
- Приватизационные процессы в Украине: оценки и позиции граждан. — К.: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 1999. — 117 c.
- Міщенко М.Д., Буров І.В. Соціальні аспекти приватизаційних процесів в Україні. — К.: Інститут соціології НАН України, 1998. — 124 c.
- Економічна соціологія: навч. посібник / Під заг. ред. Ворони В.М., Пилипенка В.Є. — К.: Інститут соціології НАН України, 1997. — 272 c.
- Предприниматель Украины: эскизы к социальному портрету / Под ред. Вороны В.М., Суименко Е.И. — К.: Институт социологии НАН Украины, 1995. — 185 c.
- Арсеенко А. Социально-экономический механизм регулирования трудовых отношений / А. Арсеенко. — К.: Наукова книга, 1995. — 182 c.