i-soc@i-soc.org.ua +380 (44) 255-71-07

Zdrilko Petro Pavlovych

Head of Economic Department

Zhuleniova Oksana Vadymivna

Zhuleniova Oksana Vadymivna

Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Head of the Department of the Methodology and Methods of Sociology

Zlobina Olena Genadiivna

Zlobina Olena Genadiivna

Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Head of the Department of Social Psychology, Professor

Pylypenko Valeriy Evgenovych (1957—2024)

Pylypenko Valeriy Evgenovych (1957—2024)

Chief Research Fellow, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Professor, member of New York Academy of Sciences, acting member of Ukrainian 'Intellect of Nation' Society, member of Ukrainian Academy of Political Sciences

Makeiev Serhii Oleksijovych (1950—2023)

Makeiev Serhii Oleksijovych (1950—2023)

Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Professor, Head of the Department of Social Structures

Vorona Valerii Mykhailovych (1940—2022)

Vorona Valerii Mykhailovych (1940—2022)

Director of NASU Institute of Sociology (1992—2021), Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Sciences in Economy, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, chief editor of the journal "Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing" (1998—2022)