i-soc@i-soc.org.ua +380 (44) 255-71-07

Skokova Lyudmila Georgiivna

Skokova Lyudmila Georgiivna

Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Associate Professor, Lead Research Fellow

Smakota Viktoriya Vitaliivna

Smakota Viktoriya Vitaliivna

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Head of Department of Economic Sociology

Sobolev Andrii Sergiyovych

Lead Sociologist

Soboleva Natalya Ivanivna

Soboleva Natalya Ivanivna

Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Lead Research Fellow

Sokolova Olena Yuriivna

Lead Sociologist

Sokolovskyy Ivan Viktorovych

Sokolovskyy Ivan Viktorovych

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Master of Finance, Junior Researcher

Solodko Sergij Yurijovich

Solodko Sergij Yurijovich

Candidate of Sciences in Sociology, Research Fellow

Stegnii Oleksandr Grigorovich

Stegnii Oleksandr Grigorovich

Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Lead Research Fellow

Stepanenko Viktor Petrovich

Stepanenko Viktor Petrovich

Ph.D. of University of Manchester (Great Britain), Chief Research Fellow

Strelnyk Olena Oleksandrivna

Senior Research Fellow, Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, Associate Professor (part-time)