Center of Sociological Monitoring
- Phone:
- +380 (44) 255–60–84
- Office:
- 317
Decision to create the Center was made by the Institute of Sociology directorate (Yevgen Golovakha, Sergii Dembitskyi) in October, 2024, and it started working in January, 2025. The reason to create the Center was the need to process vast amounts of scientific sociological information, amassed thanks to conducting of 'Ukrainian Society' sociological monitoring (conducted on a yearly basis, since 1994). No less impotant task of the Center is looking for opportunities to conduct new waves of the sociological monitoring.
The Center carries on the scientific tradition of monitoring-based sociological research of democratic and market transformations of Ukrainian society (Valeriy Vorona, Nataliia Panina, Yevgen Golovakha), and also scientific tradition of development of sociological indicatiors (indexes, scales, tests), founded by Nataliia Panina.
Scientific staff of the department:
- Burova Olga Igorivna – Head of Center of Sociological Monitoring
- Dembitskyi Serhii Serhiyovych – Chief Research Fellow
- Bogdan Olena Volodymyrivna – Senior Research Fellow
- Moskotina Ruslana Yuriivna – Research Fellow
- Viedrov Oleksii Igorovych – Research Fellow
- Hlomozda Dmytro Kostiantynovych – Junior Research Fellow
- Sokolova Olena Yuriivna – Lead Sociologist
- Minenko Liliya Fedorivna – Sociologist I Grade
Primary scientific interests and research topics:
- study of methodological bases of monitoring sociological research under stable and extreme conditions of Ukrainian society;
- development of measuring tools to be used in monitoring-based sociological research;
- study of changes in public opinion towards various spheres of social life in Ukraine;
- create and update general sociological data bank with the results of 'Ukrainian Society' sociological monitoring.
Research programs:
- Sociological indicators of individual well-being: reflections and state of society (2025 – 2027, Head – S.S. Dembitskyi)
Competitive research programs:
- National steadfastness of Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian War: social configurations (2025 – 2026, Head – S.S. Dembitskyi)